Refugee Health Practice Guide provides a full list of refugee health referral points across Australia
Queensland Multicultural Resource Directory – Search for information, advice and networking opportunities provided by a range of CALD community organisations.
Aged Care
- Diversicare
- Aged Care Navigator Trial (Brisbane South)
- Social Connection – Social Connections
- Multicultural Australia – Care Finder (Brisbane South)
- World Wellness Group – Care Finder (Brisbane North)
Danne Bathan – Aged Care Navigator
Phone: (07) 3333 2100/ Mobile: 0490 814 480
Address: 33 Stoneham Street, Stones Corner, QLD, 4120
Asylum seekers
- About asylum seekers and support in Queensland
- Status Resolution Support Services
- Asylum Circle Consortium Emergency Relief Program Referral form and Information sheet
- ASYLUM SEEKER MENTAL HEALTH CONNECT – A joint response by QPASTT and WWG to the complex mental health needs of people seeking asylum.
- Australian Red Cross Family and Domestic Violence Financial Assistance Program
- Mater Hospital Refugee and Asylum Seeker Cardiovascular Clinic (RASCC)
- Centrelink documents and links for refugees who have medical conditions or live with disabilities that affect their capacity to work or study
Child and youth
- See our page of information and support for children and youth
Chronic disease
- Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland’s Chronic Disease & Living well program
Complex health needs
- Mater Refugee Complex Clinic (MRCCC) for asylum seekers without Medicare and those with complex needs
- Specialised Intensive Support (SIS) Information and Referral Form for humanitarian and other visa holders with complex needs. Offers short term support for accessing mainstream services and managing their needs independently. To check eligibility call the Commonwealth Department of Health on 1300 855 669.
- Multicultural Health Coordination Program – supports people from multicultural backgrounds who have complex health and wellbeing needs in Brisbane, Logan and Ipswich. Translated flyers
AMPARO Advocacy – Patients must:
- have a disability
- be from a Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) background
- be vulnerable with fundamental needs not being met
- be between 0-65 years of age
- live within the Brisbane or Moreton Bay areas
Contact the service – send a completed referral form:
- Email to
- Fax to (07) 3355-0477
Phone (07) 3354-4900
Disability Nurse Navigators
- Logan – Rhonda Beggs
- QEII- Vikki Tomlinson
- PAH- Gregory Parrott
Domestic and Family Violence and Sexual Assault
- Help and support for ending violence
- Queensland Government information, services and support for people impacted by domestic and family violence
- Qld Sexual Assault Network (QSAN)
- Australian Red Cross Family and Domestic Violence Financial Assistance Program
- Immigrant Women’s Support Service (IWSS) – IWSS Referral form
- 99 Steps program SSI
- RAILS (Refugee and Immigration Legal Service)
- Know your rights – Rights for victims of violent crime – Office of the Victim’s Commissioner
Groups and organisations
- Options for people from refugee and asylum seeker backgrounds to join local community groups and meet people with similar backgrounds.
- Search the online Queensland Multicultural Resource Directory
- Ways To Wellness – Loneliness – Social Isolation
- Hospital and health services in Brisbane, West Moreton and Logan that provide hearing screening and aids for children and adults
- Eligibility checker for Australian Government funded hearing aids
- Information about NDIS for those with hearing impairment
- Hepatitis Queensland service finder HEPNav
- Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland referral form for free Fibroscan for Hepatitis B and C
- Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland Hepatitis, HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health Program
Housing and homelessness
- YFS Logan Street Services Guide information and services in Logan area for people who have nowhere to live or are at risk of losing their home
- Lady Musgrave Trust Handy Guide for Homeless Women in Brisbane (including Ipswich, Logan and the Redlands)
- Lady Musgrave Trust Handy Guide for Homeless Women in Regional Queensland
- Australian Government Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
(Priority Line for Doctors and Pharmacists – 1300 131 450)
Legal support
- Caxton Multicultural Advocacy and Legal Service (MALS) Ph: 1800 861 977
- Inala HUB Legal Service Ph: 07 3372 7677
- Refugee and Immigration Legal Service RAILS Cancellations Program. A free legal service for people in Queensland whose visas have been cancelled or are at risk of being cancelled.
- Metro South (Logan Hospital) Maternity and Child Health Hubs provides high quality maternity and child healthcare that is responsive, sensitive and accepting of, cultural needs and preferences.
- West Moreton Refugee/CALD Liaison Midwife supports women and families with a refugee background to access Maternity Care
Mental Health
- Mental Health Services Flow Chart – ECCQ and Griffith University
- Mental Health Referral Pathway for patients from refugee backgrounds for Brisbane, Logan and Gold Coast (August 2024) – This online interactive Referral Tool is designed for Health Professionals to find mental health referral options for children and adults of a refugee background in SE Qld.
- See our list of mental health resources and guidelines
- ASYLUM SEEKER MENTAL HEALTH CONNECT – A joint response by QPASTT and WWG to the complex mental health needs of people seeking asylum.
- Metro South mental health patient referral
- Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre information, referral, resource and clinical consultation service
- Metro South Nurse Navigators service can provide wellbeing plans, act as a patient’s key point of contact, liaise with other providers on the patient’s behalf to obtain information, and scheduling appointments
Nurse Navigators
Disability Nurse Navigators
- Logan – Rhonda Beggs
- QEII- Vikki Tomlinson
- PAH- Gregory Parrott
Multicultural Nurse Navigators
- Logan Katherine Wickson
- PAH- Kim Tran
Oral Health
- Queensland Health dental services are provided through public dental clinics across Queensland. All newly arrived refugees have access to a prioritised oral health assessment.
- Oral health services – access for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Queensland Government Spectacle Supply Scheme (SSS) provides eligible Queensland residents with a pair of basic prescription spectacles, once every two years.
Primary care
HealthPathways – Referrals for primary care
- Brisbane and Logan Refugee Health Connect (RHC) is a partnership between Brisbane South PHN, Brisbane North PHN, Mater and Metro South Health. RHC supports primary health care providers to access information and support regarding refugee health. Phone (07) 3864 7580
- HealthPathways (Brisbane South) Refugee and Asylum Seeker Health Pathway (Clinicians need to register and login via this link)
- HealthPathways (Far North Qld) – Register here.
- HealthPathways (Townsville) – Register here
Sexual Health
- Queensland Health list of Queensland sexual health and HIV services
- Mater Hospital Brisbane Infectious Diseases services for public patients
- See the list of tuberculosis screening and treatment services and referral forms.
- Australian Government Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) supports humanitarian entrants and other eligible visa holders integrate into Australian life. The program has a strong focus on helping clients to learn English, gain employment and access education and training.
- Australian Government Settlement Engagement and Transition Support (SETS) Program post-arrival support for eligible clients who do not have family and other community supports to rely on. The program is complementary to the Humanitarian Settlement Program (HSP) and other Commonwealth support.