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RHNQ is a “network of networks” and includes representation of regional networks and topic specific working groups, as well as other key policy stakeholders such as representatives of the government and the community.
RHNQ is directed by the Refugee Health Partnership Advisory Group Qld (RH PAGQ). Membership of RH PAGQ will reflect a cross-section of geographical regions and sectors; including senior representation from each regional network, health services, refugee settlement agencies, refugee communities and the non-government community sector.
Topic-specific working groups are established on an as needed basis to operationalise the objectives of RHNQ and will report to RH PAGQ and provide feedback on activities. RH PAGQ will monitor outputs of working groups to ensure strategic consistency with RHNQ objectives.
Membership of regional networks, if operating, will be open to any individual, or organisation in the community or corporate sector, who is engaged in the provision of care to people of refugee background settling in the relevant region. Regional networks identify issues and facilitate local solutions and ensure information specific to the region is provided to RHNQ. In the development phase of regional networks, a local contact person will be identified to support local issues and provide representation to RH PAGQ.