Cultural Sensitivity

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For information about specific refugee populations settling in Queensland, see Refugee Health and Refugee Populations.


Working with people from refugee backgrounds: A guide for social workers 2nd Edition 2022. This book gives important practical knowledge which will assist social workers in their practice

Workplace Cultural Diversity Tool

Based on international best practice, this tool is a ‘how to’ guide to workplace cultural diversity, designed to help employers make the most of a culturally diverse workforce.





eCALD includes information about different cultures, supporting muslim clients and working with religious diversity.

Centre for Culture, ethnicity and Health




The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health offer training programs, cultural competence audit and cultural competence resources. Working through the challenges of community engagement with migrants and refugees.

‘Communicating across cultures in primary healthcare’ hosted by Brisbane South PHN was a workshop for clinicians and administration staff working in primary healthcare. Watch Part 1 and Part 2.

Female Genital Mutilation /Circumcision / Cutting 6 Feb, 2023  – webinar Watch it here.

Cultural competence when working with CALD communities – video by 1800 RESPECT

Best practice for working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities in addressing violence against women – ANROWS

Safe Pregnancy Care

Health Equity and Inclusion  Metro North Hospital and Health Services (Qld Health staff only access)

Qld Health Health Care Providers’ Guides
Cultural diversity: A Guide for health professionals 
On Muslim Patients and On Hindu Patients and On Sikh Patients