Upcoming Training
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- Working with culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people – Queensland Centre for Domestic and Family Violence Research
- Working with interpreters e-learning course – ECCQ and SSI
- Brisbane South PHN – Multicultural Program– Provide General Practices with education, cultural awareness training and support in Brisbane South and Brisbane North areas.
- ECCQ – Mental Health Services and how to access them – ECCQ Learning Hub
- Qld Program of Assistance to Survivors of Torture and Trauma (QPASTT) – Workshops about introduction to the refugee and settlement experience and understanding the impact of trauma.
- The Queensland Transcultural Centre for Mental Health (QTCMH) – Programs that focus on practical workforce development strategies that enhance clinical outcomes.
- Multicultural Australia Training – Equip people with the knowledge and skills to work effectively across cultures
- Australian Institute of Family Studies – Webinars
- Supporting Multicultural Children and Youth Project ECHO network – ECHO Networks discusses the connection between culture, language and wellbeing.
- DDWM PHN – Refugee Health
- Health Consumers Queensland – Partnering with consumers and carers
- Children’s Health Qld – ‘Working effectively with interpreters and translators’ e-learning provides education for clinicians, interpreters and translators to develop collaborative interprofessional partnerships.
- The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) – Cultural Competence Training – Tools to help healthcare professionals enhance their cross-cultural communication skills.
- TRUE Relationships and Reproductive Health – Webinar for Clinicians: Culturally Responsive Health in Clinical Settings: communicating about reproductive and sexual health with refugees and migrants and Interpreter webinars and Responding to Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting/Circumcision (not a clinical guideline).
- WHO Refugee and migrant health toolkit – resources to support the global, regional, and country efforts in implementing health and migration-related activities.
- Qld Transcultural Mental Health Centre
- Emerging Minds – Free courses designed to support practice.