Oral Health

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Queensland Health dental services are provided through public dental clinics across Queensland. All newly arrived refugees have access to a prioritised oral health assessment.

Tzu Chi Foundation – Inclusive Health Dental Clinic is a not-for-profit dental clinic support those who are struggling and facing barriers in accessing services elsewhere, such as:

  • People seeking asylum
  • Rough sleepers who are unable to access public services due to complex health needs.
  • People experiencing/experienced domestic violence who require urgent treatment

Referral – New medical History Referral Form

More information: Ph:0428 155 895/ tima.bris@tzuchi.org.au or xalucie.truong@micahprojects.org.au

Metro South Brisbane

How to make a referral to Metro South Brisbane Oral Health Hub (MSOH) 

Referral of Refugees and Asylum Seekers to MSOH -Processes and Flow Chart

  1. Use the MSOHH Referral Form
  2. Email the form to MSOH.RAS.Referrals@health.qld.gov.au
  3. MSOH HUB will register the patient on the Refugee Referral Waiting List.
  4. MSOH HUB will notify the MSOH clinic via email that the patient has been placed on the Refugee Referral Waiting List and will fax the Referral Form to a dental clinic.
  5. The dental clinic will contact the patient to arrange an appointment (using the NSW translated appointment tool).
  6. The clinic will email/mail/SMS the patient and referring agency the details of the appointment.

Emergency treatment
Contact MSOH HUB to access emergency services. A dental emergency is defined by Queensland Health Dental Services as trauma including loss of function; swelling; uncontrolled bleeding; or infection.

How to make an emergency dental appointment

  1. Refugee and asylum seeker support agencies/health clinic will contact MSOH HUB on 1300 300 850.
  2. Nominate a dental clinic that the patient can access.
  3. The MSOH HUB will make a dental appointment at a suitably located public dental clinic and send the appointment details via SMS to the patient.
  4. Agency staff should confirm appointment details (location and time) with the patient. Agency staff should emphasise that the patient must attend 10 minutes early and must contact MSOH HUB on 1300 300 850 if they cannot attend.
  5. Agency staff should fax the MSOH Referral Form to MSOH HUB on 07 3156 4345
  6. MSOH HUB will send an email to nominated clinic and will fax the Referral Form to the MSOH clinic.

Further information
e: metrosouthoralhealth@health.qld.gov.au
www: metrosouth.health.qld.gov.au/oral-health
t: 1300 300 850 f: (07) 3156 4345

Metro North Brisbane

How to Refer a patient:

1. Download the MNOHS Refugee Asylum Seeker referral form.

2. In addition Download the Queensland Health Medical History Medical Form
3. Fax Referral and Medical History forms to: (07) 5433 8577 or scan and Email: mnohs-referrals@health.qld.gov.au

For General Enquiries – Ph: 1300 300 850

Darling Downs and West Moreton

West Moreton Hospital and Health Service – Oral Health

How to make a general referral

Phone: 1300 300 850.

Other Queensland Regions

Toowoomba Hospital Dental Clinic: Ph: 1300 300 850​ (option #2)

Gold Coast Hospital and Health Service: 1300 300 850
For all other Queensland Regional Areas see Queensland Health for details



Translated Resources

Easy English Presentations

‘Share the same smile’ – Pictorial Presentation for newly arrived humanitarian entrants
Adapted with permission by the Network from NSW Health – Oral Health Strategy and NSW Refugee Health Service  ‘Share the Same smile’ gives an overview of oral health services and looking after your teeth in Queensland.

Queensland Health – Oral Health

    Information about Betel Nut

    Further Reading